Over the decades, there have been many attempts at preventing electronic eavesdropping. The most popular methods employ “white noise” sound masking and ultrasonic jamming. These techniques are aimed at nullifying microphones. While these techniques have their pros and cons, they all share one trait. They target all sounds to all microphones in the area. Not helpful if only one person desires privacy while allowing […]
Smart Contact Lenses
FutureWatch – The Eyes Have IT (PDF version) One of the more interesting aspects of Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM), or sweeping for bugs, is looking into the future. Seemingly an exercise in entertainment at first glance, looking forward has a serious purpose—staying ahead of the bad guys, not one step behind (as some TSCM’ers seem […]
How Much Do TSCM Bug Sweeps Cost?
Home » How Much Do TSCM Bug Sweeps Cost? Play audio, or download as a podcast. “How much do TSCM bug sweeps cost?” (pdf version) The cost of a Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) bug sweep will depend on the type and category of the inspection. There are basically two types of bug sweeps, Personal and Commercial. Personal TSCM Costs This […]
What are the benefits of a TSCM bug sweep?
“What are the benefits of a TSCM bug sweep?” It is a common question people ask us, and the answer comes in two parts. On a personal level, the benefits of conducting a TSCM bug sweep are privacy, security and safety. For organizations, TSCM bug sweep benefits include all of the above, plus a long list of additional […]
How is a TSCM Bug Sweep Conducted?
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) is a search by specialists to locate electronic eavesdropping, video voyeurism, GPS tracking, and/or data theft devices. Bug sweeps or debugging are generic terms for TSCM inspections. Assuring personal privacy, protecting sensitive information and keeping intellectual property where it belongs is the goal of a TSCM bug sweep. This goal is expanded to […]
How to Prevent Wireless Microphone Eavesdropping
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Wireless microphone eavesdropping; the easiest and safest way to listen in. It negates needing an invitation or having to pay for admission. It overcomes the doors being closed to prevent sound leakage. It is a classic espionage […]
Is This a Bug?
“Is this a bug?” is a question we are often asked. Usually the answer is, “I understand why you are asking is this a bug. Some bugs do look similar to this. But, here is what you actually found.” Real electronic eavesdropping devices are getting smaller. So are lots of other little electronic bits which […]